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East Ham Leisure Centre

Pool: Parking, Accessible Parking, Accessible Entrance, Accessible Changing, Accessible Toilets, Swimming Lessons, Advanced Swimming Lessons, Aquatics Fitness Sessions, Women Only Sessions

East Ham Leisure Centre is located on 324 Barking Road and it houses two pools. The main one is 25 meters long, 12 meters wide, with a shallow end of 1 meter and a deep end of 2 meters, a swimmable area of 300 square meters and it has a poolpod. The learner’s pool is 12 meters long, 6 meters wide, with a shallow end of 0.5 meters and a deep end of 1 meter and a swimmable area of 72 square meters. The venue offers Parking, Accessible Parking, Accessible Entrance, Accessible Changing, Accessible Toilets, Swimming Lessons, Advanced Swimming Lessons, Aquatics Fitness Sessions and Women Only Sessions. The pool is suitable for both advanced swimmers and beginners. Moreover, children of any age can enjoy the joys of swimming by going down the slides or joining the bubble pool area available for certain activities. The fitness center on the first floor of East Ham Shopping Center is open to everyone and has cardiovascular and resistance training technology, in addition to a free weights section and a separate fitness center that is exclusively for women. You may also want to try their Yoga and Pilates classes which are attended in large numbers. Not only will you improve your health, but you will also be able to socialize and make new friends.