In 2021, Gianluca and Tatiana Deodato, two French siblings, founded SPOT, a revolutionary fitness company with a mission to empower personal trainers and individuals on their wellness and athletic journeys. The company's goal is to provide personal trainers and individuals with an exceptional training environment that caters to their specific needs.

100% PRIVATE TRAINING STUDIO for trainers, health therapists and athletes.

Squat rack
Adjustable bench
Glute ham raise bench
Hip thrust/nordic curl bench
Dumbbells (2.5-30kg)
Kettlebell (12-20kg)
Cable machine
Pull ups/trx station
Open trap bar
20kg barbell-safety barbell-15kg barbell-technique barbell-wood stick
Elastic bands
Battle ropes
agility kit
Yoga bricks
Foam rollers
Reebok steps
Plyometric boxes
Spin bike
Ski erg
Boxing gloves and pads
Dips attachment
Parallele bars
Slam balls
Astro turf
Impact gym floor
Bumper plates
Opens 7/7, 6am to midnight

