Putney Leisure Centre is located in Sout London, the venue is easily accessible by car, and free parking is available. The closest station when travelling is East Putney.
Putney Leisure Centre offers a range of facilities for everyone, a gym, swimming pool, workout classes, sports hall, swimming lessons and hall hire.
The indoor swimming pool is ideal for all levels, whether you are training, diving or having a splash about; most important, in case of emergency, there are trained lifeguards poolside. There is a 33-metre, with 6 lanes main pools, a 4-metre splash pool and a 12.5-meter teaching pool. The anti-wave ropes provide an effective barrier against the waves by dispersing them down the lane lines and deep into the water.
You must bring swimming costumes and accessories, such as goggles, armbands, swimming hats and floating aids. The venue has well-maintained changing facilities.