We all know how it goes; we head to the gym, it’s busy, we’re not sure how to mix things up, so we head to the treadmill and run. We know how the running machine works, and no one will bother us if we run and stare at the wall for the remainder of the session.

As great as a run, maybe if we aren’t that active, there are better ways to spend your time in the gym without plodding on the treadmill.

Including resistance training in your routine will help combat several problems your body may have from modern life and improve body composition.

If we sit down at a desk all day and have done it for the last 20 years, our bodies will get tight and achy in ways they shouldn’t.

Resistance training is a brilliant way to combat all those aches and pains you’ve developed over the years.

Over a few weeks, you’ll start to feel better, and things that used to cause you pain shouldn’t anymore.

If you’re struggling with where to start, then using a fixed resistance machine in the gym is the place to head. These machines have instructions on them for guidance and only allow you to move where they want you to. Meaning it’s very unlikely you’ll get injured.
Free weights such as dumbbells are brilliant for progressing once you’re more experienced; however, as it’s just you in control of them, there is more room for injury.
Resistance machines are also a brilliant way to learn different ways of moving and what movement works which muscles.

Chances are, there are a variety of resistance machines in the gym you’ve walked past to get to your beloved treadmill.

Next time you’re heading past, why not stop and try them out.

You never know; you might feel better for it.