It’s completely normal, especially if you are new and just starting your fitness journey. When I first entered a gym, I didn’t know where anything was, and I had no idea what workout to do to reach my goals. I felt completely overwhelmed and out of my comfort zone; we all started somewhere.

Here are my tips to overcoming that fear of going to the gym: 

1. Take a friend along with you – If going to the gym alone gives you anxiety, take a friend. This can help alleviate nerves and make you feel more comfortable and at ease. 

2. Go into the gym with a plan – A significant factor contributing to gym intimidation is not knowing what you’re doing. Having a structured plan before you get into the gym sets you up for success. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Personal trainers, fitness instructors and members are there to help, and you’ll feel much more confident knowing how the equipment works.

3. Focus on your why – Remember why you stepped foot in the gym in the first place. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing or thinking; chances are the people around you are not paying attention and don’t care what you’re doing.

4. Create a motivating playlist and get in the zone – This will help you stay focused on your workout and drown out other noises and distractions. 

Most of all, enjoy the process and be patient with yourself.

If you’d like to book a session with Leanne, please click Contact Us.